Cegeka & Society
Supplier Code of Conduct
Cegeka’s portfolio offers a comprehensive range of IT-services and solutions that include applications, infrastructure, data solutions and consultancy. What sets Cegeka apart is not only the breadth and depth of our offer, but the seamless integration of all the components and our commitment to work “in close cooperation” with our customers and suppliers, all of this with the necessary focus on sustainability.
Cegeka’s ESG-program is one of the essential components of our vision to become a company whose expertise contributes positively and impactfully to society and environment. We have strengthened the commitment to our employees, customers, partners, citizens, communities and planet by leveraging three fundamental pillars:
Decrease our environmental impact;
Provide a diverse and inclusive environment;
Innovate for a better world.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are a source of inspiration in defining our actions and targets.
As part of Cegeka’s ESG-commitment, the mission of the Procurement Team is to manage Cegeka’s supply chain in a responsible way and in accordance with this Supplier Code of Conduct.
Managing our supply chain in a responsible way
In our day-to-day business, we must regularly purchase products and services from suppliers. As part of our ESG-commitment, we expect all our suppliers to have a similar ESG-commitment and to conduct their business in an ethically sound manner.
Therefore, this Supplier Code of Conduct sets out certain social, ethical and environmental considerations that Cegeka expects its suppliers to respect and follow through in their supply chain.
Our approach
Given the importance we attach to a sustainable supply chain, this Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all procurement and supply chain activities involving Cegeka suppliers. Adherence to these principles forms an integral part of our supplier selection and contracting procedures.
In that regard, Cegeka’s suppliers should conduct business in accordance with the following principles:
Data protection
Cegeka positions itself as a trusted IT service provider and the protection of (personal) data is an essential part thereof. Suppliers must take all necessary actions to deliver secure solutions that ensure data protection. Accordingly, the processing of personal data will always be carried out in compliance with the GDPR and other applicable data protection legislation. We expect the same commitment from our suppliers.
Social considerations
Social sustainability relates to practices that contribute to the quality of life of both employees and communities that could be impacted by the supplier’s operations.
We expect all Cegeka suppliers to protect the human rights of their employees & treat them with dignity & respect.
In that regard, Cegeka’s suppliers shall make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses and that they will support and respect the protection of all internationally proclaimed human rights and , including but not limited to:
- Employees’ freedom of association with regards to working conditions and their right to join trade unions, form works councils and conduct work-related negotiations;
- The right of collective bargaining;
- Zero tolerance for modern slavery, child labour, forced and compulsory labour;
- Providing wages, benefits and conditions of work, that represent just and fair remuneration;
- Providing equal opportunities for everyone in employment, free from prejudice and discrimination in respect of employment and occupation on the grounds of gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, colour, race, ethnic origin, nationality, social economic backgrounds, religion and belief, age, union status or political opinion;
- Providing a safe and healthy working environment, working conditions and work equipment for its employees.
Ethical considerations
Ethical sustainability relates to any activity or conduct which violates any applicable anti-bribery, anti-corruption or anti-money laundering laws.
Cegeka expects its suppliers to act ethically and be honest, transparent and trustworthy in all their dealings with other parties, excluding all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
In that regard, Cegeka’s suppliers should conduct business in accordance with the following principles:
- Observance of all relevant laws and regulations applicable to the supplier;
- Engaging in fair and competitive business practices for fair transactions and prevention of corruption, bribery, fraud, money laundering or conflict of interests;
- Ensuring the quality and safety of products and services.
Enviromental considerations
Environmental sustainability relates to practices that contribute to the protection of the environment and quality of the environment on a long-term basis. We expect our Suppliers to share their scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions data and their emissions reduction plans to Cegeka.
Suppliers should strive to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of their operations, products and services. We encourage suppliers to:
- Implement an environmental management system in line with recognised standards such as ISO 14001, EMAS (or equivalent);
- To have action plans in place to manage their environmental impact, including energy efficiency, carbon emission reduction measures and waste management programs; and
- To comply with additional environmental requirements specific to their products and services, as covered in underlying supplier contracts.
- Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
- Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
- Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
In general, Cegeka’s expects its suppliers to conduct business in accordance with the following principles:
- Consideration for ecosystems, the environment, and environmental conservation within the business activities, as well as efforts to reduce and prevent environmental pollution;
- Implementation of recycling programs;
- Reduction of its carbon emissions;
- Supporting circular economy;
- Ensure proper waste management;
- Make use of renewable energy and resources;
- Protection of habitats and biodiversity.
Sustainable supply chain
Cegeka expects its suppliers to implement sustainable practices throughout their own operations and supply chains.
Implementation and monitoring:
Suppliers shall:
Complete a Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire on a periodic basis;
Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, contractual agreements and standards and require their suppliers to do the same;
Comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct;
Implement measures to identify, determine and manage risks in all areas addressed in the Cegeka Supplier Code of Conduct. In case of disruptions, they should take appropriate actions;
Strive for a continuous improvement of their sustainability performance.
Cegeka may monitor and review the supplier's adherence to this Supplier Code of Conduct. In that regard, Supplier shall maintain appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance with this Supplier Code of Conduct, upon request.
Suppliers must report immediately any breaches, even those of their suppliers, and report on the corrective remediation plan.
If Cegeka has reasonable grounds to suspect a breach of this Supplier Code of Conduct by the supplier, Cegeka reserves the right to request the supplier to provide additional supporting documentation and/or other evidence of its adherence to this Supplier Code of Conduct.
Where serious breaches of this Supplier Code of Conduct are indeed identified and not remedied, based upon a mutually agreed remediation plan within a reasonable term, Cegeka reserves the right to terminate the business relationship with the supplier concerned, subject to the terms and conditions of the underlying contract.
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