Cloud Technology

At Cegeka we take full care of our customers. We have a lot of experience in offering customers a wide range of infrastructure services. With our cloud services, we give our clients plenty of room to focus on their core business.


Taking the customer to the cloud

We dream of groundbreaking and reliable IT infrastructure solutions. In doing so not only do we keep both feet on the ground, but also our heads in the cloud, as it allows us to offer unprecedented flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Whatever the appropriate technology, our team of experts knows how to integrate everything seamlessly and tailor it to the customer's wishes.

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By improving Cloud Technology, we improve, upgrade and modernize our customers' IT infrastructure. The closer you are to the customer, the better the service and the more meaning you can bring. Therefore, all functions within this field are client oriented. The continuous dialogue about their wishes and needs helps us choose the right solution from the private, public and hybrid cloud services that Cegeka has in-house. In every role within our team you make the difference for the customer, whether you are a Cloud System Engineer, IT architect, Application Manager, or Service Manager.

Project in the spotlight: Fluvius

The roll-out of digital meters in Flanders requires a significant adaptation of the services provided by Fluvius. Fluvius back-end needs to be able to deal with large volumes of measuring data with high complexity and high frequency of data flows.

Big data processing requires a data-centric approach. Glenn Bogaerts has an important role as Senior Data Engineer by contributing to building the Digital Meter Data platform of the future for Fluvius on a modern Cloud data platform in Azure.

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