It is impossible to imagine life without remote work. Today, we do our job from different locations, with various devices and flexible working hours. At Digital Workplace, we focus on setting up functional workplaces regardless of location, device and time. Safe workplaces that help our customers achieve more.
By designing smart work environments, we help our customers work easier and more efficiently, now and in the future. The key is not the technology, but an optimal user experience. That is why we are developing a full concept for the design and management of the workplaces. This way, employees receive a workplace that is tailored to their needs and wishes. Where necessary, we assist the users get acquainted to the new technology. At Digital Workplace, we work hard together to provide the best end-to-end experience to our end users.
We are proud that Cegeka has been chosen as the new partner for the workplace services of the Flemish Government. In the initial phase we will provide 15,000 digital workplaces for the Flemish Government, and further up to 45,000 workplaces in the long term. Cegeka also offers in this domain services to many customers within the IT Consultancy (called Cegeka Professional Services).
Hybrid working is the norm, and the workplace must follow as well.
Bart Swerts, Global Lead Product Management Digital Workplace
Bart is Global Lead Product Management Digital Workplace. Together with his division, he creates workplaces that do what they are supposed to do... Lees meer