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The hybrid work model is here to stay! Have you embraced it?

95% of companies said they would approach a hybrid work model postpandemic

The companies in the outsourcing industry, a sector with about 131,000 employees in Romania, are cautious and continue with remote work or hybrid work model in the next period. The decision to return to the offices depends on the evolution of the pandemic and the vaccination campaign.

About 95% of companies surveyed in a study by the Association of Business Service Leaders in Romania (ABSL), the association of companies in the local outsourcing industry, said they would approach a hybrid work model postpandemic. The remaining 5% of companies said they would work 100% from the post-pandemic office.

Regarding offices, 61% of companies in the industry say they will keep office space held before the pandemic, while 39% of companies will reduce this space.

Cegeka Romania already embraced this practice

Andra Antonescu, HR director at Cegeka Romania, stated for Ziarul Financiar that the employees of Cegeka currently work in a hybrid system, a system in which they come to offices 1-2 days a week.

Andra Antonescu - hybrid work model

"We know that the hybrid work model is here to stay, which is why in Cegeka Romania we have already embraced this practice. Practically, we recommend 1-2 days a week to see each other at the office, to reconnect differently than the online version can offer us. In the medium and long term, the hybrid work model remains a moving target. Experimentation will play an important role in hybrid success. "

After more than a year of remote activity, Andra Antonescu states: “We notice a clear need to benefit from a mix of interactions, including physical presence. We are preparing for the moment when even more colleagues will be able to return to the office, of course, still following all the health recommendations - we hope, in the not too distant future. "