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Home Blog Blog 6 reasons why Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the ultimate business platform
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6 reasons why Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the ultimate business platform

Maarten Bekaert

Maarten Bekaert

January 26, 2022

When talking about business applications, Microsoft and Salesforce are the two main giants. So of course, they’re often pitted against each other. We’re not here to do an extensive comparison – that’s been done by plenty of others. We don’t even think it’s a close call: Microsoft Dynamics 365 is where it’s at. And here’s why.

1. In-depth integration

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is more than a CRM solution – it’s an all-round business platform, an ecosystem of applications that are fully integrated. That makes Dynamics futureproof as well: you can invest in the CRM tools today, and build on your HRM platform, ERP or AI tools tomorrow – knowing they will be fully compatible. Data warehousing, product visualisation with augmented reality, connected store, on-site and remote technical support: it’s all part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 package.microsoft-dynamics-nav

2. Unbeatable in B2B

Salesforce may have a slight edge in B2C commerce but for B2B business, Microsoft Dynamics 365 can’t be beaten. Why? Because of the seamless workflows: Dynamics pools everything required to go from opportunity to sale in one easy-to-use platform. All information you need to close the deal, right there at your fingertips.

3. The king of user-friendliness

Granted, tastes differ and everyone has their preferences. But still, we love the UI of Microsoft Dynamics 365: it has a spacious design, strong data visualisation and it’s intuitive to use. You know, that thing everyone says about their platform. Except in this case, it’s actually true!

Another perk: you are always in a fully editable screen with autosave – so you can truly make your digital workplace your own, and never have to worry about losing data. And, last but not least: it’s far less complicated than Salesforce. So, if you want a platform you can maintain yourself, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the way to go.

4. Data-first strategy

Perhaps the most important advantage in the long run: Microsoft has a data-first strategy that applies to all its products. That means their tools instantly make your corporate data available for analytics, providing you with valuable insights. Salesforce can’t manage that, because of cross-platform integrations. This means that they – and therefore you – miss out on having all the data available in real time.

5. Endless possibilities with low code

Dynamics 365 is built on top of and thus natively integrated with Power Platform, Microsoft’s low code platform. This allows you to extend your CRM solution, going from small enhancements to full exotic requests.

By combining Dynamics 365 with Power Platform, we dare you to challenge us to identify a business scenario that you cannot support with the platform!

Want to know more on how you can do more with less using Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform? Read more here! 


6. Better for your budget

We might have mentioned it already, but since Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an all-round, fully integrated ecosystem, there’s no need to invest in a combination of different technologies – saving you a pretty penny in both integration and maintenance costs. And its licensing model is budget-friendly too, starting at 15 euros per user per month.


Want to know what Microsoft Dynamics 365 can mean for your organisation? Get in touch with our experts!

Maarten Bekaert

Maarten Bekaert

Solution Architect with a strong affinity for sales & marketing, having over fifteen years of experience in business & IT consulting for digital transformation and CRM-related solutions. Fascinated about the flexibility of Dynamics 365 and its potential to digitally transform companies without limits. With Power Platform at its core, translating company strategies into effective solutions will never become impossible.

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