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Start your path to the Sales Sanctuary

Are you slowly sinking away in the Sales Swamp?

Pull yourself out of the swamp and take the path towards the Sales Sanctuary with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. Let it be your guide to smoother selling and a haven of successful deals.

It's more than just your typical sales tool. It's your ally in freeing the path to sales excellence, effortlessly tackling every challenge along the way.

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Copilot in Dynamics 365 Sales

Focus on what matters

Are you navigating the murky waters of the sales swamp?

Discover how Copilot and the power of generative AI in Dynamics 365 Sales can be your lifebuoy.

Transform confusion into clarity and complexity into simplicity.

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RFP checklist for CRM

You can use this document to inquire potential suppliers about their CRM solution and expertise and to compare the gathered information in your search towards your ideal CRM.
Download now

Customer Case

Centralizing all customer data at VITO

The biggest challenge for VITO’s sales teams? Finding a unified way of working across all business units. “In the past, the information we kept on leads and opportunities was not available to everyone”. “The majority of our salespeople were working in their own spreadsheets and notebooks. Our customer data was fragmented and there was no single source of truth to manage accounts and leads.”  To centralize its sales activities across business units, VITO turned to Cegeka and implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales.

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Maud D'Havé

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