Must read
Ovidiu Pinghioiu – About Cegeka Academy 2023 for Ziarul Financiar
Cegeka Romania, the local division of the same-named Belgian-born IT group, has now grown to a team of 830 people, with the total number of employees...
Florentina Sima
Application Development
December 21, 2022
Powering the future of banking with custom software
The banking sector has been one of the most affected by the pandemic. In the first quarter of 2020, the banking industry's net income fell by 27% compared to...
Florentina Sima
Artificial Intelligence
December 19, 2022
Hot industry topics and biggest challenges for 2022-2023
The past decade has been one of continuous crises and companies have had to quickly adapt their operations and strategies in order to remain viable. The last...
Tom De Vos
Cyber Security
November 28, 2022
Tackling the Ransomware Threat
Ransomware is a form of malware designed to encrypt and/or exfiltrate files on a device, rendering them unusable or threatening to publish them. In recent...
Dan Tofan
November 15, 2022
Cegeka Romania launches the 4th edition of the Cegeka Academy program
We are happy to announce the launch of the fourth edition of Cegeka Academy, a program dedicated to students in their final year of studies, as well as...
Florentina Sima
Application Development
November 8, 2022
What is Domain Driven Design and how does it work?
Companies naturally expand over time, and each department purchases the equipment it needs for its tasks and workflow. Naturally, this leads to the creation of...
Florentina Sima
Aspire To More
October 31, 2022
Adaptability and Flexibility – The New Skills Of The Future?
There are two mottos that I turned to every single time something new popped up during the very dynamic in the last few years:
Elena Enache
October 21, 2022
Ovidiu Pinghioiu on digitization, emerging technologies, low-code and figures for Ziarul Financiar
As the accelerated digitization process of the previous two pandemic years continues across all business verticals, Cegeka Romania, the local subsidiary of the...
Florentina Sima
Aspire To More
Application Development
September 1, 2022
Quality over Quantity in Unit Testing
Here are the benefits of choosing Quality in Unit testing illustrating a few techniques that will keep the code decoupled, clean, and robust.
Andra Fecioru
Cyber Security
August 31, 2022
Companies need to stay vigilant, working remotely significantly raises cybersecurity threats
With so many people now working remotely, it's more important than ever for companies to stay vigilant against cybersecurity threats. Read on for tips on how...
Alexandru Andone